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All about Christmas Flowers

Bring Christmas into your home with the most beautiful flowers! Are you curious what the typical Christmas flowers are? Do you know why red and white are typical Christmas colours? In the Netherlands, flowers are an important part of Christmas decorations. And because flowers can perfectly express emotions, they are also often given as gifts! On this special Christmas page, we give you more information about Christmas flowers and plants.

Top 5 Christmas flowers and plants

For inspiration and to get you already in the Christmas mood, we have listed 5 typical Christmas flowers and plants. Poinsettia, Amaryllis, Christmas rose, mistletoe, hollyhock.... Do you know them all? These typical Christmas flowers create a cozy Christmas atmosphere.

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) : The queen among winter flowers. The amaryllis grows wild in South America. It is a bulbous plant that blooms in red, white, pink and orange.

Poinsettia: A very popular Christmas plant. Originally, the Poinsettia comes from Mexico! The poinsettia is a so-called short-day plant, blooming only on days shorter than 12 hours. The poinsettia is not an easy plant. Want to make your poinsettia bloom again? Then leave your plant in pitch darkness for 14 hours a day - and for at least 6-8 weeks.

Mistletoe: This plant is an evergreen semi-parasite that grows on trees. Kissing each other under the mistletoe.... do you know this romantic tradition?

Holly (Ilex) : Holly is often used as a Christmas decoration. The plant can be recognized by its leathery leaves with spines. Beware: the red berries are poisonous to humans.

Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) : The Christmas Rose occurs wild in wooded mountain areas, at altitudes up to 1900 meters in Eastern and Southern Alps. It blooms in winter and produces beautiful white flowers. This is why the Christmas Rose is so popular around Christmas.

These flowers are great for decorating any home or office for the holidays. Gift tip: Christmas plants (for example, Christmas rose or poinsettia) are very popular and also sustainable. If you take good care of a plant, you can enjoy it for a very long time.

Christmas flowers

Why are red, white and green traditional Christmas colours?

Each country has its own traditions at Christmas. One thing we do notice is that 3 colours always recur everywhere. In December, the world shines with shades of red, white and green. Why are these colours so typical of Christmas? This colourful tradition began centuries ago. The symbolism plays a big role. Red, white and green stand for love, faith and hope respectively! Christmas is a Christian celebration, so it will not surprise you that the traditional Christmas colours originally have a religious meaning. In the colour circle, red and green face each other and together form a harmonious combination. White is also an excellent Christmas colour that reminds us of white Christmas. Romantic!